Finally...a new venture to the moon, brought to us by the Chinese. The
Xichang Satellite Launch Center has launched the rover called the 'Jade Rabbit' or 'Yutu' in Chinese. (in the news)
The moon, besides Mars of course, is the ultimate escape. The reality as it should be by now is that we live on the moon having colonized the moon man years ago. We really need to ask ourselves why we aren't living there already. Imagine the freedom! Imagine the money to be made in space, the tourism. How many of us wouldn't take a vacation to the moon where we could experience low gravity activities. I know the purists wouldn't want tourists trampling all over the place but the reality is it's the best way to get us to the moon and beyond. People want the experience, we, as in the human race, need a new frontier. Space exploration is it. Unlimited resources, unlimited exploration...
Lets focus on creating our reality to include space exploration and space tourism. If you truly want to escape from increasingly tighter restrictions in our world then let get to a new world or two. Imagine the freedom you would have. Get behind such companies as SpaceX and Virgin Air. These are the companies who are getting us there and I'm sure there are plenty other startups out there working on getting us there.
See you there ;-)